Final Logo

Color palettes I explored.

Digital sketch of baklawa.
Thumbnail sketches and word layouts.

Color palettes I explored.
Thumbnail sketches and word layouts.

Start-up small business Brand Identity A client of mine from working at Plannaholics, she was in need of an Identity design as well as a Logo design for her start-up small business, she started the business from scratch and desired an Identity that best described her business. The client was a small business owner selling middle eastern cakes, cookies, and pastries from her home, that didn’t have a brand identity yet. An insight that impacted the design direction is that the client specialized in making middle eastern cakes and the most famous of all is “baklawa”, which is also made of a large amount of honey, the word “Miel” means honey in french. All elements required for the branding of her business were created, such as the business name and an iconic logo that was conceptualized and designed for both print and web. The design team completed the research process about the client, it was my turn to produce ideas for solving the problem, I sketched a few designs and came up with some ideas for the name, also went through a few color palettes I thought were suitable for the project. We chose to incorporate the word Miel in the name because it means honey in French, and baklawa is drenched in honey, however honey is not limited to just baklawa, it is used in most middle eastern cakes so as she expands her business, she won’t need to change the name. This project was a bit of a challenge for me especially since we had an impractical deadline, however I enjoyed the process and the client was satisfied with the outcome and requested we make her matching business cards as well.